Saturday, April 01, 2006

Sid's Massive In-depth Review of Marvels Next-big-thing: Moon Knight #1

Eh, it's alright...


Anonymous said...

Bah can't come to the shop tomoz, bogged down with english language coursework. Whilst your all kneedeep in cheap back issues i'm going to be pulling my hair out trying to fit my analysis of Transmetropolitan and it's success to 4000 words.

Sid said...

Oooh, I would quite like to read that when its done, just don't get frustrated and write "Eh, it's alright".

Anonymous said...

If you sold that Moon Knight LEGO piece, I'd buy a handful.

Sid said...

Interesting, we tried stocking those figures before and no-one even looked at them.

Anonymous said...

How much were they, and what did you do with the overstock?

I'll buy it if it is cheap and there April 8th, or next month, whichever.