Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Stuff I Buy

Every week for the next month I am going to post a full list of comics and stuff I buy.

Okay, bear in mind I work in a comic store, so its very hard not to get caught up and buy tons of stuff. I read roughly 70 comics a month, not including GN's. I consider it to be part of my job. Not just the big two, but everything which sounds good. (Ait/Planetlar, Oni, Top Shelf - whoever).

Yes, I know I buy obscene amounts, but I am in a position to buy at wholesale, and then swap back to the store if I don't like a series, so its a bit non-risk for me. All the following I buy for my personal collection, if I dump a series, I tend to get rid of all the issues I havn't enjoyed. Like Robin 101-120, which were for the most part, fucking shit.

JUL050194 BATGIRL #68 $2.50 - Not read for 6 issues, could be up for the chop.

JUL050192 BATMAN GOTHAM KNIGHTS #69 $2.50 - not read for 5 issues. Not that I don't like it, just havn't found the time.

JUL050220 BIRDS OF PREY #86 $2.50 - not read for nine issues, I do want to catch up though.

JUL050221 DAY OF VENGEANCE #6 (OF 6) $2.50 - great series, out of the four Countdown miniseries, this is the one I wasn't looking forward to, yet it is my second favourite behind OMAC Project.

JUL050227 GREEN LANTERN CORPS RECHARGE #1 (OF 6) $3.50 - Still not sure on this, I have not been a fan of Rann / Than war, but I do love Kyle Rayner (someone has too, he used to listen to NIN and Greenday years ago damnit)

JUL050299 HELLBLAZER #212 (MR) $2.75 - not read for ages, but when my girlfriend buys the tpbs I read them. Something about Hellblazer works better in chunks. Too far gone on the series to cancel though.

JUN050351 IDENTITY CRISIS HC DIRECT MARKET VERSION $24.99 - Because I am a sucker for a pretty package, and this way I can lend it out to my peeps, as I refuse to lend out single issues as they always come back damaged.

JUL050239 JSA CLASSIFIED #3 $2.50 - Still not sure about this, its well written but for some reason I keep expecting Power Girl to blow Supes (I think I have read Pro to often, especially with the plane crash scene in issue 2). Might as well wrap us this story.

JUL050196 ROBIN #142 $2.50 - Bill Willingham is great, Scott McDaniel is great, Tim Drake is great.

JUL050209 SUPERGIRL #2 $2.99 - I was nicely surpised by the first issue. I do try and avoid the Turner covers where possible though. See how it goes, it ties into the Superman family so I will keep it going.

JUL051654 GIRLS #5 (MR) $2.99 - The Luna Bros. kick ass, I hope they manage to keep their integrity as creators when they work for Marvel. This series hasn't been as good as Ultra though - to be honest.

JUL051870 BLACK PANTHER #8 $2.99 - Its hyped as being a big deal tie-in to X-Men so I thought I would check it out. If it sucks it sucks. The first four issues diodn't grab me and I canned the series, not because it sucked, but because I get SOOOO much stuff, I am very picky when it comes to picking new series.

JUN051979 CAPTAIN AMERICA #10 $2.99 - This series has been really good, but I am sick of House of M tie-ins.

JUL051874 DAREDEVIL FATHER #3 (OF 5) $2.99 - I hate the art, I think it is a joke. Methinks Joe Q has been reading DKR an awful lot. I am not a particularly big fan of the story so far, the idea that MM used to get beaten by his Dad sucks, I always liked the fact that his Dad did the best he could and told him to study and not be a worhtless bum like he was.

JUL051854 EXILES #70 $2.99 - not read it since issue 49. When the hell am I going to ctach up?

JUN052008 NEW AVENGERS #10 $2.50 - Lovely series, and one of the few books I get where I think the variants are a nice idea, showing the covers as old-school Sentry comics.

JUL051898 RUNAWAYS #8 $2.99 - Waiting until I have a good chunk of this run before I read it like I did with series 1, it reads so much better that way.

JUL051939 SPIDER-MAN THE OTHER POSTER $5.99 - Looked a bit classy, I don't usually bother with posters.

JUL051909 SUPREME POWER HYPERION #1 (OF 5) (MR) $2.99 - JMS writes, I buy.

JUL051855 ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR #23 $2.50 - This has been surpisingly good.

JUN051987 ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR ANNUAL #1 $3.99 - No idea, could go either way, but the other Annuals have all been good.

JUL051858 ULTIMATES 2 #8 $2.99 - I love this series, it is evrything I look for in a comic.

JUL051873 WOLVERINE #32 $2.50 - Fantastic issue, the best in Millars run by far, and deicated to Eisner too.

MAY052439 LENORE #12 $2.95 - No longer ships to the UK, which is a real bummer, to be fair, its not been great since issue 8 (which was what? 3 Years ago), but I still check it out.

JUL053572 MALLRATS TP $14.95 - Eeh, might be worth a read, not really sure what it is mind you.

JUN053551 TRANSFORMERS BINALTECH & TF COLL COMP GD $55.99 - Because I am a bigger TF fan than comic fan. I wouldnt have gotten into comics without the Transformers Marvel UK series. And Binaltech toys are sooooooooooooo sweet.

1 comment:

Sid said...

I remember reading Pascal Ferry has signed an exclusive contract, I think it was Marvel but i might be wrong.